Friday, May 14, 2010

Do the spray tans really work?

i just bleached my hair blonde and even tho its comming winter i wanna have the tan to go along with it- can anyone tell me if the spray tan works or where i can buy some do it yourself tanning products? thanks-Do the spray tans really work?
I did the Mystic Tan a bunch of times. Honestly, it depends on how tan you are naturally. I am quite pale, and it looked fake on me, even the lowest level. It's passable for 1 day or 2 maximum, but what's bad is when it starts to fade. It's all blotchy and gross, and it stains your clothes (be fearful of anything white). If you work out (I do, a lot) and you sweat, it runs brown streaks....eww. And the worst was my hands/fingers/feet/toes. Disgusting. I looked dirty.

On the flip side, if you are already tanned, it would only be subtle and not too drastic or noticable. A friend had better luck having a person (as opposed to a machine - Mystic Tan is a giant spraying booth) spray it on her manually. It comes out more even, but again, depends on how big of a color change you will be going for.

My advice, and it took me a long time to get there, is to accept your natural color. I do now, and I'm happy.

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