A few questions for those that do this...
1) how long does it take?
2) how much round abouts would it cost?
3) how often a week would you go and have a spray tan done?
Thanks to those that reply :D
xSpray tanning question for those that do?
Hiya, I don't blame you for getting sick of doing it yourself!
1) It takes about 10 minutes to get sprayed, but you have to wait about another 10 minutes to let it dry. Wear very loose clothing so it doesn't streak because it takes hours to dry completely. Shave the day before you have it done. Wash as little as possible when you've had it done. When you do shower or bathe, use moisturiser after as this helps the colour to develop more. In the first 2 days, the colour will keep getting darker, then after it will start to fade.
2) It usually costs between 拢15-拢20.
3) I would say it lasts a week at the most, depending on how much you wash, moisturise, etc. So maybe you get it done every Saturday for example.
Phone round a few salons in your local area and ask how much it costs so that you get the best price. Wear suitable underwear. Good luck! :)Spray tanning question for those that do?
I have them regularly,
A few minutes to do and a few mmins to dry
Mine are from 拢10 - 拢20
I usually have it done once every 1 - 2 weeks
i recently got a spray tan done a couple weeks ago for a school prom. it only took like 10 minutes. the first layer was applied then a second layer was applied to get a full effect. i went to a spa and got it done and it cost 35 dollars. my spray tan lasted a good week to week and a half. if you exfoiliate your whole body right before getting a tan then this helps it stay on longer and if you apply lotion to your body when you have the tan this will make it stay on longer. after about a week i would say it started to fade. here is a good tip so you dont make the same mistake i did. do NOT put anythiing on your face or body before going or even the night beofre..the only thing you should be doing is exfoiliatign your skin but dont put any lotions or creams on before because this will mess up the tan. i put a cream on my face the night before and it messed up the tan so dont do that. also there are usually different levels of tan you can get..i got a number 2 which gave me a really good tan..i looked like a just came back from a vacation on a island. for the first time maybe only go one shade darker like a number 1 then you can build it up because if you go too dark then you will look fake and orange. some spray tanning places dont even have different levels but if the place you go to does then maybe get a 1 or 2 the first time and see how it is. good luck!
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